A Tree’s Night Dance Under the Stars

A talisay tree at Noa Noa Island
A talisay tree at Noa Noa Island

Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.

~ Anatole France

Large canvas print available and other sizes and prints with worldwide shipments available at SmugMug WHCC Prints.

Just a little update. Thanks for bearing with my slow blogpost as I’ve been moving around, literally. I’m in the process of a move, finding a new home on one of my favorite places in the Philippines. Packing was so different this time with all my livelihood crammed in a suitcase not sure when I’ll be coming home. It’s a different world for me. A new undertaking I’m willing to take. As soon as I get settled I hope to update this site again regularly. For now, happy travels!

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