
It seems that half a year has always been my lifespan for thoughts, for things to look back, and thinks to think about. I remember 6 months ago when I left for Sagada alone to think about some major decisions in my life. Do I regret that decision? The year is coming to an end soon and I was looking back on all that had transpired around my life this year. The accomplishments, the frustrations, the emotions, the drama, the lessons. It’s one big chapter in this big whole life. Much of the coming days I will be an observation mode, a backseat driver while my ego/conscous self play out his drama… Another major change awaits….

Sun rises and the sun sets
Change of seasons, we see in effect
The Cold wind blows, the heat reflects
In every season, a change affects

It’s time again
To look behind
The road I had taken
So then I’ll find

Which signs I’ve noticed
Which signs I passed by
the roads I ignored
and the roads heavily treaded

It’s time again
To decide where to go,
What to do,
As the fall of leaves
Signals the coming change
The new moon dances,
As the sun laughs behind
The stars are my audience
In this comedy of life