Guam: Southern Drive from Talofofo Bay to Cetti Bay

Getting sick is such a hassle when traveling. I was on sickbay for at least 3 days while I was in Guam so I never got to go around as much as I wanted. It’s a good thing I was at a relative’s home and I was taken care of well but it really was a bummer. When I got a little better, a couple of days before we head back to the Philippines. My cousin Gerhard was kind enough to drive us around South of Guam just to see some of the island’s popular tourist spots.

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Guam: Reunions at Tumon Bay

It was all about family. Meeting relatives from my mom’s side and celebrating my Aunt Shirley’s 80th birthday in Guam was the main reason I found myself on this side of the USA. As an island nearer on the coast of the Philippines than that of mainland it was much easier to go there, cheaper as well especially with the cost shouldered by my sister from the US just to accompany my mom whose adamant to travel alone.

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